Chapter 2702 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep194
- While the mention of Amy's name did indeed give him a brief pause, the past days' events had forced Ron to become quite comfortable with the various rationalizations that allowed him to lessen his guilt concerning his girlfriend. What he couldn't justify based on Amy's willingness to initially lure him into her evolving, perverted teasing and exhibitionism, he blamed on having been essentially 'raped' as was the case with the college girls, Beth, Sue and even Lil. His final, and most recent defense was that while he perhaps really did love Amy, he was too young and dumb to know if it would last beyond high school, but most certainly not too dumb to recognize the opportunity for this once-in-a-lifetime vacation adventure. The fact that one of these women was Amy's mom did put a troublesome spin on his rationalizations, but he was convinced that if he continued to let Beth portray him as the naïve teenager he'd been only two days prior, she might eventually push them to the point that Pam would break and cross the line to clearly initiating sex with him , which would be his ultimate vindication for anything that happened at that point.
- Having once again quickly sidestepped any significant guilt concerning Amy, Ron allowed his vision to dart over Pam's body as she spoke. He hoped not to be too obvious, but her hard nipples and the way her muscular thighs framed the slender crotch of her shorts, barely hiding her pussy, was just too intriguing to avoid. As she ceased speaking, he made an impulsive decision to push things a little, and responded, "Sure, I won't tell anybody, I promise. Can I be honest with you though?"
- Pam had noticed the way his eyes kept moving from her face to chest then groin and back again. She was inwardly pleased she'd had no choice but to torment him with her attire, but his last question caused her some concern. That, and the unmistakable bulge of his obviously hardening penis told her it best to let him speak, then end this conversation before she lost control of the situation.